Five Reasons Why You Need a Dash Cam
You must be wondering why you should get a dash cam. You don’t drive for a living, nor are you an Uber driver. What can the benefits of having a dash cam be? Today I’ll provide five reasons why a dash cam is essential in today’s world with rising car accidents and risk on the road.
Having a dash cam to witness what is happening on the road at all times is very essential. Because of its ability to capture all events in real time as you drive, there isn’t any better witness of what’s happening on the road while you operate your vehicle. It’s one of the best investments you can make for yourself and your family.
Provides evidence in the event you are involved in an accident
Many times when accidents take place, the dashcam provides a straightforward video of what exactly happened. Yes, you can call the police, and they may come out and take a report of the accident. They’ll take your side of the event and the other driver’s side. At times both drivers may provide different statements, and liability for who’s at fault may be left up in the air. In many cities, like NYC for example, and many other cities around the United States, police will not show up for an accident. Often they will not show up if no one is hurt or injured, they would just simply advise you to exchange information and have your insurance companies figure it out. In many cases an individual’s statement of the actual fact of what happened may change or may be in dispute. With a dash cam you won’t have to worry about going through something like this. You will have the actual recording to provide to your insurance carrier to defend you and your policy.
Protect you against insurance fraud
With insurance fraud on the rise, you will find some situations where an accident takes place and many drivers switch blame on the other driver. They may switch blame to place you at fault and make a statement regarding the events of the accident that are far from the truth and what really happened. At times they may even blame you falsely and claim injuries. With your dash cam, you would be protected and would not have to worry about this.
Prevent Theft and Vandalism
Avoid Traffic Tickets
Supervise Young Drivers
Being a young driver on the road carries great responsibility. This may not apply to everyone, but this may save your child’s life if you are a parent. With a dash cam, you may be able to see your child’s driving patterns on the road and how responsible they are as a driver altogether. With one of the leading causes of young adult deaths being car accidents, early intervention is key. Your young driver may drive a lot more responsibly now that you can see their driving patterns and review the dash camera. Also, if you were to see bad driving behavior on the camera, you would be able to address it with them before it becomes fatal.